Building your ideal hybrid cloud


Do you get perturbed or intimidated when you come across words like Hybrid cloud or private cloud?Don’t be.. Hybrid cloud computing is a very effective advancement of the virtual server world and the scale-out deployment model. However, companies need to keep in mind that this revolutionary method isn’t suitable for all applications. A cloud server ...

Why hybrid cloud is the best?


雲端伺服器字如其意必然是跟雲端有關,跟虛擬伺服器不同的是雲端伺服器採用雲端技術,將你的伺服器寄存在雲端空間中不同的伺服器上,也就是說你的網站將在不同的雲端伺服器上操作,而跟單一的傳統伺服器不同,這樣就算你的網站出了問題,你也可以在雲端中迅速解決。 雲端伺服器的優勢: 靈活升級空間 雲端伺服器透過前瞻技術允許用戶按需調整自己的伺服器,也可以隨時升級跟降級自己的雲端伺服器,讓企業更加靈活地作出調整。 提高網站的上線率 在傳統的伺服器下,企業的網站若死機,一般也得等伺服器供應商來幫忙解決,相比之下雲端伺服器就大大減少了這種風險,因為雲端伺服器是分散寄存的。 資源靈活化 可隨時調整的雲端伺服器為企業帶來了更人性化的服務,企業可按自己的需求隨時調整及配置雲端伺服器的資源。 更重要的是雲端伺服器的價格還比專屬伺服器便宜,可功能遠勝於共享空間,也優於虛擬伺服器。

Advantages of hybrid cloud server


A combination of at least one private and one public cloud is what forms a hybrid cloud server. Usually a hybrid cloud is provided in two ways. The first way is when a private cloud provider strikes an alliance with a public cloud provider. In the second way, the proprietor of a public cloud makes ...

What is Hybrid cloud servers?


Many people are not aware of what exactly a hybrid cloud is. A hybrid cloud is nothing but a combination of two clouds can someone spy on my cell phone remotely of which one is a private cloud and the other is a public cloud. The cloud system for the hybrid cloud can work by ...