Cloud Data Storage... No need to panic for Backups!!!

Ever had a problem with having backups on your external hard disk. Even there is a limit to what can be stored on hard disks and eventually you have to go by priority , what data to be stored and what to be deleted. Nonetheless there’s as they say there’s always a way out and one of the perfect offsite storage solutions is maintaining cloud backups. The cloud server has always helped in storing data backups. However, it is noticed that cloud server hosting is not the only resort when it comes to taking a backup of your network. We at VPS hosting are a well-known cloud server hosting service based in Hong Kong. We will discuss a few things that you need to know when you conduct a cloud data backup solution.

It is wise to check how fast your internet connection is. With high-speed internet connection of your ISP, it is advisable that you opt for cloud backup service. ISPs generally offer a high speed for downloads rather than uploads. If the internet connection speed is average, it is advisable to do some speed checks and find out the connection’s performance and consistency. Always remember, the speed stated by your ISP is the maximum stretch it can offer in ideal situations, and not what you can expect on a regular basis. The real speed of your ISP is different and not constant, mostly if the line is shared by many in the same zone.

Know whether your ISP supports uploads

Find out whether your ISP lets you accelerate uploads during the cloud data backup solution. This depends upon the speed of your internet connection.

Ensure there are no blocks

Mostly, when you plan for a cloud backup service make sure that the cloud service provider does not prevent certain file formats. Files such as system files, video files and ZIP files may be blocked. Before you sign up for the service be sure to know how to crack the blocks on certain file formats.

Use cloud backup provider instead of traditional backups

The cloud based backup solutions nowadays provide nothing other than file-level backups. Hence, do not replace your backup infrastructure to the

cloud-based backup solution. The cloud-based backup solutions do not support applications like Exchange Server or SQL Server.

For more information , you can check our blogs on other topics like cloud storage, VPN etc. You can share your comments below. Also please do visit our website or get in touch with us for any details regarding our offerings on You can even follow us @vpshostinghk